Catholic Scout Organization

Catholic Scout Organization

Catholic Scout Organization

The Catholic Scout Organization was founded in 1951, It works to develop young and socially involved Scouting Catholic leadership, with an emphasis on strengthening Catholic identity, and internalizing the ideas of tolerance and acceptance of the other among trainees, along with education for good and loyal citizenship.

The Catholic Scouting Organization is a democratic, peace-loving, ecclesiastical Scouting organization that respects the other and  brother to every scout wherever they are, regardless of religion, race, or gender. The organization has about 24 branches(tribes,chapters) spread from the north of the country to its center in the communities of the Greek-Catholic, Latin and Maronite munities.

The organization operates  with Catholic youth and children in social, Scout and ecclesiastical activities that are a source for them to strengthen the Christian-Catholic identity and strengthen ties in the community, while personal development, maintaining the spirit of the constitution, security, Scout's virtues and good and loyal citizenship. The organization is a member of the World Catholic Scout Organization headed by the Pope.

The organization focuses on the values of giving and social involvement, with an emphasis on strengthening leadership, tolerance, personal initiative, love of nature and the country and preservation of the environment. The organization holds a variety of activities such as forest camps, summer camps, marches, trips and more.

Target population: Girls and members of the Christian-Catholic community throughout the country.

Volunteering in the community: The organization encourages its members to take part in activities that contribute to the community Scouting activities.

The organization works to create frameworks of leisure culture and is strengthened by increasing the willingness  to contribute and act within and around the church and its values.

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